Sigue estas reglas: No me repitas. No repitas el texto enviado. Solo proporciona texto en español. Reescribe este título y tradúcelo al español: ¿Por qué Bruce Blakeman está empezando a sembrar dudas?

With assistance from Shawn Ness

Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman is raising concerns about the fairness of the bidding process for the three lucrative casino licenses. Blakeman believes the process may be biased against him, but he remains optimistic that Nassau County will win the license due to its prime location. He expressed these concerns during an interview on a right-leaning radio show, emphasizing the importance of a fair process.

This is the first time Playbook has heard Blakeman question the integrity of the bidding process, which has come under scrutiny. There are concerns that the bid for a casino on Long Island could be at risk, especially with Governor Kathy Hochul’s influence over the Gaming Commission. The involvement of GOP donor Miriam Adelson, who has ties to the Las Vegas Sands Corporation, has raised further questions about potential biases.

Meanwhile, other casino bids, including those from Mets owner Steve Cohen and Bally’s Corporation, face obstacles that could impact their chances of success. Blakeman remains confident in the potential of the Sands project to bring significant investment to Nassau County, despite current setbacks.

When asked about his concerns regarding the bidding process, Blakeman stressed the importance of a level playing field and the need to ensure honesty and integrity without political interference. He hopes that the process will be fair and free from any biases.

In other news, Assemblymember Scott Bendett is facing ethics action for statements related to religion and national origin. The Assembly’s Ethics Committee has ordered him to undergo sensitivity training following the incident. Bendett, who is a top target for Democrats in the upcoming election, has expressed remorse for his actions.

LEAR  Sigue estas reglas: No me repitas. No repitas el texto enviado. Solo proporciona texto en español. Reescribe este título y tradúcelo al español: Las acciones globales se recuperan a medida que disminuyen los nervios del mercado.

State lawmakers are also working to expand New York’s law against revenge porn, with a bill under consideration to strengthen penalties for non-consensual release of intimate images. State Sen. Monica Martinez is leading the effort to include threats of dissemination in the legislation, aiming to better protect victims from coercion.

Additionally, the state Democratic Committee has endorsed the goals of the New York Health Act, a bill that would establish a single-payer health care plan in the state. The resolution calls for legislative solutions to ensure universal health care coverage for all New Yorkers, marking a symbolic victory for supporters of the bill.

Gustavo Rivera.

“Esta resolución unifica al partido Demócrata en el objetivo de aprobar la Ley de Salud de Nueva York, la única legislación que ofrece atención médica integral a todos los neoyorquinos sin barreras de atención”, dijo Melanie D’Arrigo, directora ejecutiva de la Campaña por la Salud de Nueva York y ex candidata demócrata al Congreso.

El presidente del Partido Demócrata Estatal, Jay Jacobs, le dijo a Playbook que la medida fue aprobada “entendiendo que hay temas complejos por determinar” dada la oposición de sectores clave como el trabajo.

Pero Jacobs puede señalar áreas de acuerdo más claras para los demócratas en su convención estatal de dos días: También se aprobó una resolución que condenaba el antisemitismo tras las manifestaciones pro palestinas en los campus universitarios de todo el país que han causado dolores de cabeza políticos a los demócratas en un año electoral.

“El hecho de que haya sido unánime habla mucho sobre la postura de los demócratas en este tema”, dijo Jacobs. — Maya Kaufman y Nick Reisman

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La publicación ¿Por qué Bruce Blakeman está empezando a sembrar dudas? apareció primero en World Online.