Siga estas reglas: No me repitas. No repitas el texto enviado. Solo proporciona texto en español. Reescribe este título y tradúcelo al español: Más palestinos heridos cuentan a la BBC que el ejército israelí los obligó a subir a un jeep.

It has been reported 32 minutes ago by Middle East Correspondent Lucy Williamson for the BBC that Samir, a Palestinian man, expressed feeling like he was “waiting for death” after being picked up by Israeli soldiers. Two more Palestinian men, injured during a military operation in the occupied West Bank last week, have come forward with similar accounts of being forced onto the bonnet of an Israeli army jeep and driven at high speeds along village roads. This comes after footage of another Palestinian, Mujahid Abadi Balas, clinging to the bonnet of a military jeep went viral and sparked international outrage.

Samir Dabaya, a 25-year-old man now hospitalized in Jenin, claims he was shot in the back by Israeli forces during the operation in Jabariyat and left bleeding until soldiers found him. He alleges that he was beaten, stripped, and then thrown onto the jeep, feeling like he was “waiting for death” throughout the ordeal. Another Palestinian man, Hesham Isleit, also shared a similar experience of being shot and forced onto the same military jeep, describing the intense heat and pain he endured.

Both men’s accounts have been brought to the attention of Israel’s army, which has stated that the cases are under review. The army previously acknowledged the incident involving Mujahid Abadi Balas and stated that it was a violation of orders and procedures. Despite the ongoing conflict and violence in the region, the residents of Jenin remain steadfast in their resistance against the occupation.

Si uno es matado, cinco más lo reemplazarán. Durante una operación israelí esta semana, bombas enterradas profundamente en las carreteras alrededor del campamento golpearon a dos unidades mientras entraban, matando a un soldado y hiriendo a otros 16. Esta batalla comenzó mucho antes de la Guerra de Gaza, pero las tácticas y actitudes aquí están cambiando a raíz de ella, y el comportamiento de las tropas israelíes también está bajo escrutinio en Cisjordania. Este es un territorio diferente a Gaza, pero son los mismos enemigos, atrapados en la misma guerra más amplia.

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