La furia crece mientras los legisladores piden la renuncia del director del Servicio Secreto

Lawmakers strongly criticized Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, with both Democrats and Republicans calling for her resignation following the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. The demand was made during and after a tense House Oversight Committee hearing where Cheatle was questioned about the security lapses that allowed the attempt on Trump’s life at a rally in Pennsylvania. Despite acknowledging the agency’s failures, Cheatle refused to resign, leading to further outrage from lawmakers. The hearing, marked by heated exchanges and frustration, showed a rare display of bipartisanship in Congress. Cheatle’s evasive answers and lack of transparency only fueled lawmakers’ calls for her dismissal, with some even questioning her honesty and competence. The contentious hearing left many feeling unsatisfied and craving more accountability from the agency. Despite mounting pressure, Cheatle remained defiant, insisting she was the best person to lead the Secret Service. Ella puso nuestras vidas en riesgo y necesita tomar responsabilidad. Otro testigo, la ex Marine de EE. UU. Teresa Wilson, dijo que aunque entiende que todavía hay investigaciones en curso, la Sra. Cheatle fue demasiado “evasiva”. “Lo único aceptable que podría haber hecho es tomar responsabilidad y renunciar”, dijo la Sra. Wilson. “Todo lo demás es ruido”.

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