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Advancements in Hydrogen-Powered Train Technology

As the global focus shifts towards reducing carbon emissions, the continued reliance on diesel by rail operators has drawn attention to the industry. While rail electrification projects are ongoing, there is a search for green fuel alternatives that can sustain autonomous train operations. Despite efforts, a significant number of noisy, CO2-emitting diesel multiple units (DMU) are still in use – with Germany alone operating over 4,000.

However, Alstom, a French rail vehicle manufacturer, believes that change is on the horizon with the introduction of the Coradia iLint. This revolutionary train, powered by hydrogen fuel cells, emits only steam and condensed water, operating almost silently. Developed in collaboration with German and Canadian companies, the iLint is based on Alstom’s Coradia Lint DMU.

Revealed at the Innotrans trade fair in 2016, the Coradia iLint is poised to begin passenger trials in Germany early this year. Alstom envisions this train as an attractive option for rail operators seeking to replace their DMUs on non-electrified lines.

During a press event in November 2017, Alstom representatives emphasized the potential of the Coradia iLint to kickstart a shift towards hydrogen as a sustainable fuel in the industry.

“We believe this is a technological breakthrough,” said Wolfram Schwab, Alstom’s regional vice-president of products and innovation. “While fuel cells have been utilized in other sectors, now is the time to implement them in the railway industry as we embark on the transition to zero-emission trains.”

Zero-Emission Trains

At the heart of the iLint system is a fuel cell positioned atop the train. Hydrogen is fed to the cell and combined with ambient oxygen to generate electricity, powering the train’s movement. The byproducts of this process are water vapor and steam.

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Excess electrical energy can be stored in lithium-ion batteries beneath the train, with an auxiliary converter adapting the energy for various onboard applications such as air conditioning and passenger information systems.

Alstom highlights the smart power management and flexible energy storage of the iLint, which enables the train to match the top speed of its latest DMUs at 140km/h while being more energy-efficient. The train boasts a range of up to 800km on a single tank of hydrogen and can accommodate up to 300 passengers.

Hydrogen Generation and Infrastructure

Initial iLint test runs occurred at Alstom’s Salzgitter facility in March 2017, with ongoing trials. The challenge remains in establishing refueling stations and sustainable hydrogen sources for long-term operations. Alstom, along with its partners, pledges to offer maintenance services and hydrogen infrastructure, including filling stations, to ease operations for operators.

The company is exploring environmentally friendly methods for hydrogen production for the iLint, such as electrolysis and natural gas reformation. Alstom aims to reduce CO2 emissions from hydrogen production by utilizing wind energy.

Germany’s commitment to reducing CO2 emissions and transitioning to renewable energy makes it a fitting location for the iLint launch. Alstom’s agreements with German states signify a move towards sustainable rail transport.

Engaging Passengers and Operators

In November 2017, Alstom secured a deal to construct 14 iLint trains for the Local Transport Authority of Lower Saxony (LNVG). These trains are set to operate on the Buxtehude-Cuxhaven route from December 2021, with plans for testing as early as the first quarter of 2018.

Alstom will provide maintenance for the trains over a 30-year period, while Linde will supply hydrogen and establish a filling station in Bremervörde. The aim is to produce hydrogen onsite using electrolysis and wind energy in the future.

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“The use of hydrogen in rail vehicles marks a significant step in utilizing fuel cells for emission-free transport,” said Linde executive Bernd Eulitz. “This development will drive the adoption of a hydrogen-based society and create innovative energy storage and transport solutions.”

The iLint’s potential to meet climate goals and the cost-effectiveness compared to electrification may lead to its adoption in other European countries. The cancellation of electrification schemes in the UK could heighten demand for non-electric trains, positioning the iLint as a viable solution.

Después de esto, Alstom ha estado en conversaciones para llevar a cabo pruebas en Liverpool, Reino Unido, así como establecer una fuente de hidrógeno de las refinerías en la región. “Ha habido diálogo con la región de la ciudad de Liverpool y varias compañías operadoras de material rodante sobre cómo podemos desarrollar un demostrador”, dijo Mike Hulme, director gerente de Alstom UK para trenes y modernización, en una entrevista con la revista The Engineer. “Es una opción que estamos promoviendo bastante, y parece que estamos obteniendo cierta tracción.” Dependiendo del éxito de su implementación en Alemania, iLint podría demostrar ser un caso importante para el uso de celdas de combustible de hidrógeno en trenes. Hasta entonces, Alstom está en la ofensiva de encanto para atraer a más socios europeos. “iLint: el primer tren del mundo con hidrógeno” fue creado y publicado originalmente por Railway Technology, una marca propiedad de GlobalData. La información en este sitio ha sido incluida de buena fe únicamente con fines informativos generales. No pretende ser un consejo en el que deba confiar, y no ofrecemos representación, garantía o garantía, ya sea expresa o implícita en cuanto a su precisión o integridad. Debe obtener asesoramiento profesional o especializado antes de tomar o abstenerse de tomar cualquier acción en base al contenido de nuestro sitio.

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