¿Es la sostenibilidad ambiental la nueva artes liberales?

As the world faces increasing challenges related to climate change and sustainability, higher education institutions have a crucial role to play in preparing the next generation of leaders to address these issues. By integrating sustainability content across disciplines, offering a wide range of courses on environmental topics, and promoting a fluency framework that emphasizes climate and sustainability understanding, colleges and universities are taking important steps toward creating a sustainable workforce.

While progress may be slow and each institution may take a unique approach, the overall goal remains the same: to ensure that all students have a baseline understanding of climate and sustainability. By doing so, higher education can empower individuals to tackle the challenges of the future and work towards a more sustainable world for all.

Bryan Alexander, autor de “Universidades en llamas” y futurista educativo con un enfoque particular en el cambio climático, dijo: “Mi lema es que el cambio climático es la nueva educación liberal”.

Este artículo sobre cursos de sostenibilidad fue producido por The Hechinger Report, una organización de noticias independiente y sin fines de lucro centrada en la desigualdad y la innovación en la educación. Regístrese para recibir el boletín de Hechinger.

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