Por qué más estrellas podrían seguir el ejemplo de Macklemore

According to Reuters, the UAE, with Dubai as its largest city, has been accused of arming paramilitaries in Sudan suspected of genocide. Rapper Macklemore’s cancellation of a gig in Dubai led some fans to assume it was in solidarity with Gaza, but it was actually due to the war in Sudan, which has resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands and a humanitarian crisis. Macklemore spoke out about the catastrophic situation in Sudan and questioned his role as an artist in light of the conflict. His decision to cancel the gig has brought attention to the conflict, which has received less global focus compared to other conflicts. The RSF, funded by the UAE, has been implicated in violence and human rights abuses in Sudan, including allegations of genocide. The UAE denies these claims and insists on the need for a ceasefire and peaceful resolution to the conflict. Macklemore’s action has sparked hope among activists that other artists will also take a stand against the UAE’s involvement in Sudan. Experts suggest that a cultural boycott could be an effective way to target regional powers like the UAE and Saudi Arabia, who are backing opposing sides in Sudan. The potential impact of cultural figures and sports figures boycotting events in these countries could have a significant influence on their international reputation. Reuters “¿Cuál es la diferencia entre Macklemore y los boicots en Sudáfrica?”

Los activistas están lejos de lograr boicots de esa escala, pero tienen esperanzas de que el impulso se acumule después del movimiento de Macklemore.

El representante de Madaniya describe a los generales beligerantes como intentando destruir el tejido de la sociedad sudanesa. Pero eso no disuade a los activistas. “Siempre hay esperanza para el pueblo sudanés”.

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Ya algunas personas pueden estar siguiendo los pasos de Macklemore.

Un comentarista en su publicación dijo que lo habían invitado a hablar en una convención en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, pero ahora dijo: “Tu publicación me animó a investigar un poco más y decidí rechazar la oferta.”