Zorros en la autogestión de su nuevo álbum, Qué significa ‘Foxing’ y una mejor calidad de sufrimiento”.

It just felt like the most “us” album we’ve ever made. We’ve always been so involved in every aspect of our band, but this was the first time where we were like, “Let’s just do everything. Let’s just make it how we want to make it.” And I think self-titling it felt like the best way to encapsulate that idea.

What was the collaborative process like for self-producing the album?

It was really great. We had all been talking about self-producing an album for a long time, but it always felt like a distant dream because it’s such a big project. But once we started getting into the writing process and recording demos, it just felt right. We had all this time in the pandemic to really sit with the songs and figure out what we wanted to do with them. Eric had a lot of experience producing and engineering, so he was able to really take the lead on that front. But we all had a say in everything – from the instrumentation to the mixing to the mastering. It was a really collaborative effort, and I think that’s what made it so special. We were all invested in every decision, and we all had a hand in making it the best it could be.

Where do you find hope in the midst of all the darkness and frustration that comes through in the album?

That’s a tough question. I think for me, the hope comes from the process of making the album itself. It was such a labor of love, and it brought us all closer together as a band. We went through so much together – the highs and the lows, the struggles and the triumphs. And at the end of the day, we came out with something that we’re all really proud of. That in itself is hopeful to me – the fact that we were able to create something beautiful out of all the chaos and uncertainty. And I think that’s what keeps us going as a band – the knowledge that we can always come back to the music, to the art, and find solace in it. It’s a light in the darkness, a beacon of hope that guides us through the tough times. So yeah, I think the hope is in the music, in the process, in the bond that we share as a band. It’s what keeps us going, what keeps us pushing forward, even when things seem bleak.

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Is there a particular song on the album that stands out to you as a favorite or a standout moment?

That’s a tough question. I think they all have their own special moments and their own unique energy. But if I had to pick one, I think “Gratitude” is a standout for me. It’s such a powerful song, both musically and lyrically. The chorus, in particular, just hits me every time – it’s so raw and emotional, and Conor’s vocals are just incredible. And the instrumentation is so dynamic and intense – the heavy guitars, the atmospheric synths, the relentless energy. It’s just a really powerful moment on the album, and I think it encapsulates a lot of what we were trying to achieve with this record. So yeah, “Gratitude” is definitely a standout for me.

Anything else you’d like to share about the album or the band’s journey?

Just that we’re really proud of this album, and we can’t wait for people to hear it. It’s been a long road to get here, with a lot of ups and downs, but we feel like this is our best work yet. It’s a culmination of everything we’ve been through as a band, everything we’ve learned, everything we’ve experienced. And we’re just really excited to share it with the world. We put so much of ourselves into this album, and I think that really comes through in the music. It’s honest, it’s raw, it’s intense – it’s us. And we hope that people can connect with it, find solace in it, find hope in it. That’s all we can ask for, really. So yeah, we’re just excited to see where this album takes us, and we’re grateful for all the support we’ve received along the way. It means the world to us.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to chat with me, Conor. Best of luck with the album and everything else!

Thank you, it was great talking to you. Take care!

I think the hopefulness comes from the connections we have with each other, and the fact that we can create something together that we’re proud of. It’s a way of saying, “Even in the midst of all this darkness and despair, we can still find moments of light and connection.” And I think that’s a really powerful message to send out into the world.

In my life beyond the record, I try to hold onto that idea as well. Even when things feel overwhelming or bleak, I try to focus on the connections I have with others and the joy that creating art can bring. It’s a way of finding meaning and purpose in a world that can often feel chaotic and uncertain. So I think that balance of hope and nihilism is something that I constantly strive for in my work and in my life. It was a way for me to process those feelings and put them into something tangible. So, in a way, making this album made me reconsider and reappreciate what the band means to me. It made me realize that the band is a huge part of my identity, but it’s not the only thing that defines me. It’s important, but it’s not everything. And at the end of the day, what really matters to me is the people I love and the relationships I have. That’s what makes me truly happy and fulfilled. And I think that’s reflected in the album, in the themes of love, happiness, and finding peace in the chaos of life.

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Y espero que sea lo suficientemente universal como para traducirse a otras carreras o pasiones donde se mira un gran trozo de tu vida que has dedicado a algo o alguien y te preguntas: ¿Cómo puedo existir sin esta cosa, aunque todavía estoy existiendo con ella? ¿Cómo puedo prepararme para no hacer esto más? ¿Y valió la pena todo? Así que fue una gran oportunidad para mí hacerlo a través de la escritura y plasmar mis pensamientos en la página. Ahora lo veo de esta manera: esta banda sigue siendo mi carrera, pero estoy tratando de verla menos como mi ser completo y más como mi salida creativa y mi trabajo que hago con otras personas. Lo hacemos juntos, y eso es increíble, pero luego me voy a casa y realmente tengo una vida fuera de eso. Eso es a lo que estoy tratando de llegar, al menos.

Esta entrevista ha sido editada y condensada para mayor claridad y brevedad.

Foxing’s Foxing se lanzará el 13 de septiembre a través de Grand Paradise.