Cómo lideramos el cambio es el cambio: Liderazgo en el horizonte 3

By expanding our mental models, we can better understand the complexities of the current education system and envision new possibilities for designing more equitable and innovative approaches. This requires leaders to be open to new perspectives, challenge their own biases, and actively seek out diverse voices and experiences to inform their decision-making process.


Leaders who have only experienced traditional, top-down models of leadership may need to expand their mental models to include more collaborative, inclusive approaches that prioritize co-design and shared decision-making. By challenging their assumptions and embracing new ways of leading, these leaders can create more empowering and equitable learning environments for all stakeholders.


How can you actively seek out diverse perspectives and experiences to expand your mental models and challenge your assumptions about leadership and education?

What new ideas or practices can you integrate into your leadership approach to better support equity and innovation in education?

Build networks of support and collaboration. Leading in complex and uncertain times requires leaders to cultivate strong networks of support and collaboration. No leader can navigate the challenges of re-architecting public education alone. By building relationships with diverse stakeholders, sharing power and expertise, and fostering a culture of collective learning and accountability, leaders can create the conditions for innovation and equity to flourish.


Leaders working to transform public education may need to collaborate with teachers, parents, students, community members, policymakers, and other stakeholders to co-create new approaches that meet the diverse needs of all learners. By building networks of support and collaboration, these leaders can leverage the collective wisdom and expertise of their community to drive meaningful change.

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How can you cultivate relationships with diverse stakeholders to build a strong network of support for your equity and innovation efforts?

What structures or processes can you put in place to foster collaboration, shared decision-making, and collective learning within your organization or community?

Embrace a growth mindset and a commitment to continuous learning. Leading for equity and innovation requires a willingness to embrace discomfort, take risks, and learn from failure. Leaders must cultivate a growth mindset that values ongoing learning and development, both for themselves and their teams. By modeling vulnerability, resilience, and a commitment to continuous improvement, leaders can create a culture of innovation and equity that inspires others to do the same.


Leaders who are committed to equity and innovation may need to challenge their own beliefs and biases, take risks in trying new approaches, and learn from failures along the way. By embracing a growth mindset and a commitment to continuous learning, these leaders can create a culture of experimentation, reflection, and adaptation that drives positive change.


How can you model vulnerability and resilience as a leader to inspire a culture of continuous learning and improvement within your organization or community?

What opportunities for growth and development can you provide for yourself and your team to support ongoing learning and innovation?


Leading for equity and innovation in public education is a complex and challenging endeavor. It requires leaders to cultivate a deep understanding of the historical and social context in which they operate, challenge their own assumptions and biases, build strong networks of support and collaboration, and embrace a growth mindset and commitment to continuous learning. By working with liberatory design mindsets and implementing leadership practices that respond to the complexity and uncertainty of the moment, leaders can create more equitable and innovative learning environments that meet the diverse needs of all young people. We invite you to explore these ideas with your teams and communities, and commit to leading for equity and innovation in public education.

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She has over 20 years of experience in education and social justice, working with schools, districts, and organizations to advance equity and excellence in education. Kathleen is passionate about creating transformative learning environments that empower all young people to reach their full potential. She is committed to supporting leaders in navigating complexity and uncertainty to create truly equitable and liberating educational experiences for all.

Ella actualmente lidera el trabajo de impacto en el campo de la organización, contribuyendo a redes nacionales que exploran la intersección de prácticas liberadoras, la ciencia del aprendizaje y desarrollo, enfoques centrados en la juventud y el bienestar social y emocional en escuelas y comunidades.

LaShawn Routé Chatmon, como Directora Ejecutiva fundadora del National Equity Project, ha dedicado su carrera a inspirar, entrenar y orquestar líderes para transformar las experiencias, condiciones y resultados educativos en escuelas y comunidades, con un enfoque específico en la equidad racial en la educación.

Tom Malarkey es Director en el National Equity Project y se especializa en prácticas de indagación y diseño centradas en la equidad para educadores y sistemas escolares. Tom fue co-creador de los marcos de Liberatory Design y Learning Partnerships.

Esta serie de blogs está patrocinada por LearnerStudio, una organización sin fines de lucro que acelera el progreso hacia un futuro de aprendizaje donde los jóvenes están inspirados y preparados para prosperar en la Era de la Inteligencia Artificial, como individuos, en sus carreras, en sus comunidades y en nuestra democracia.

La curaduría de esta serie está liderada por Sujata Bhatt, fundadora de Incubate Learning, que se enfoca en reconectar a los humanos con su amor por el aprendizaje y la creación.

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