Encendiendo la Llama: Cómo la Motivación Cataliza el Potencial de los Estudiantes en la Educación del Horizonte 3

Kayden, a student at a Big Picture School, always had a passion for photography. Traditional schools didn’t offer much in terms of photography classes or opportunities for him to explore his passion. However, at his H3 school, he was able to create his own personalized learning plan that included photography as a central focus. He worked with a mentor who helped him secure an internship at a local photography studio, where he gained hands-on experience and learned valuable skills. This real-world experience not only deepened his understanding of photography but also sparked a newfound interest in graphic design. Kayden’s H3 school allowed him to pursue his interests and discover new passions, setting him on a path towards a fulfilling career in the arts.

Shelby, a student in the CAPS program, was always interested in environmental science. She wanted to make a difference in her community and address pressing environmental issues. At her H3 school, she was able to work on a client-based project focused on sustainable energy solutions for local businesses. Through this project, she learned how to collaborate with professionals, conduct research, and present her findings effectively. Shelby’s H3 school provided her with the opportunity to apply her passion for environmental science in a real-world context, preparing her for a future career in sustainability and advocacy.

Ted, a student at One Stone, had a knack for entrepreneurship. He was always coming up with new business ideas and was eager to learn more about the world of startups. At his H3 school, Ted was able to create his own business plan, pitch his ideas to a panel of industry experts, and even launch his own small business with the support of his peers and mentors. Through this hands-on experience, Ted gained valuable skills in leadership, innovation, and problem-solving. His H3 school nurtured his entrepreneurial spirit and provided him with the tools he needed to succeed in the business world.

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These stories highlight the transformative power of Horizon 3 learning environments, where students are encouraged to pursue their interests, follow their passions, and take ownership of their learning. By paying attention to learners’ intrinsic interests and motivations, H3 schools are able to create meaningful and engaging learning experiences that prepare students for success in the modern world. As we continue to redesign our education system for the future, it is essential that we prioritize intrinsic motivation and student agency, ensuring that all learners have the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential.

At Gibson Ek High School, Ted was able to design his own learning pathway centered around his love for LEGOs. He took on projects that involved building LEGO robots, designing LEGO sets, and even creating stop-motion animation films using LEGOs. Through these projects, Ted honed his skills in creativity, problem-solving, and teamwork.

One particular project that Ted worked on was designing a LEGO set for a local museum. This project not only allowed him to showcase his design skills but also gave him real-world experience in working with clients and meeting deadlines. The success of this project inspired Ted to pursue a career in design and innovation.

After graduating from Gibson Ek, Ted went on to study Product Design at a prestigious university. He credits his time at Gibson Ek for preparing him for the challenges of college and beyond. Ted is now working as a product designer at a toy company, where he continues to use his passion for LEGOs to create innovative and engaging products.

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Through their stories, Kayden, Shelby, and Ted exemplify the power of self-directed learning and real-world experiences in shaping students’ paths towards success. These programs, whether it be at One Stone, Monett GO CAPS, or Gibson Ek, provide students with the opportunity to explore their interests, develop their skills, and ultimately pursue their passions. It is clear that when students are given the freedom and support to direct their own learning, the possibilities are endless.

 And then Ted added, “I’m just so grateful for the opportunities I had at my school. It really set me on the path I’m on now, and I couldn’t be more excited for the future.”

 And that, right there, is what it’s all about. Empowering students to pursue their passions, develop their skills, and create a future that excites them. That’s the power of Horizon 3 education.

 So let’s continue to support and champion these innovative learning environments, so that more students like Kayden, Shelby, Ted, Elise, Ethan, John, Sadie, Sae, and Lyn can discover their passions, build their skills, and chase their dreams. The future of education is bright, and it’s in the hands of these motivated, self-directed learners.

 Here’s to a future where every student has the opportunity to thrive and pursue their passions. Let’s make it happen.

Imagina mi sonrisa cuando compartieron el siguiente paso en sus aventuras, demostrando una vez más el valor de dar a los estudiantes la oportunidad de perseguir sus intereses intrínsecos:

De Elise, anteriormente de One Stone, quien se había mudado a la Ciudad de Nueva York para seguir su interés creativo en la moda allí: “¡Mucho es nuevo en realidad! ¡Me mudé temporalmente a Portugal en agosto hasta fin de año para una residencia en un estudio de carpintería y metalurgia junto a otros artistas con conciencia de sostenibilidad. ¡Ha sido increíble!”

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Y de Ted, quien soñaba con trabajar para LEGO, a 14.5 horas en avión de su hogar: “La vida ha estado un poco ocupada últimamente [redoble de tambores] mientras me preparo para intentar ir a Dinamarca para mi próximo trimestre en la escuela para continuar mi trabajo con LEGO.”

Ahora, si eso no es genial… no sé qué es.

Chris Unger es Profesor de Enseñanza en la Escuela de Graduados de Educación de la Universidad Northeastern y apoya la Red de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje Experiencial (NExT) de la Escuela de Graduados de Educación con varios de sus colegas en la Universidad.

Esta serie de blogs está patrocinada por LearnerStudio, una organización sin fines de lucro que acelera el progreso hacia un futuro de aprendizaje donde los jóvenes están inspirados y preparados para prosperar en la Era de la IA, como individuos, en sus carreras, en sus comunidades y en nuestra democracia.

La curación de esta serie está liderada por Sujata Bhatt, fundadora de Incubate Learning, que se enfoca en reconectar a los humanos con su amor por el aprendizaje y la creación.