Penn State pilota la comercialización de servicios de tutoría para estudiantes en riesgo.

Overall, the efforts at Penn State to increase student access to tutoring and academic support services through personalized outreach and the use of technology have shown promising results. By utilizing data and proactive notifications, the university has been able to connect students in need with the resources they require to succeed academically. The high participation rates in tutoring and Guided Study Group sessions indicate that students are receptive to these support services when they are made readily available.

Looking ahead, Penn State plans to expand the reach of their tutoring program to include students in language courses and continue tracking student data to measure the long-term impact of these initiatives on retention and overall student outcomes. Additionally, efforts to break down silos among different departments and divisions within the university and ensure that student support flags lead to meaningful resolutions for students will be key areas of focus moving forward.

By prioritizing student success and leveraging technology to facilitate personalized support, Penn State is setting a strong example for how universities can effectively connect students with the resources they need to thrive academically.

Creo que lo que realmente estamos tratando de enfatizar con los instructores es que la bandera, es decir, la acción a tomar, realmente debe llamar la atención de alguien y que alguna acción debe ocurrir como resultado de llamar su atención”, dice Smith.

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