Conservadores consideran posible muestra de oposición contra Johnson

Republicans are feeling confident about maintaining control of the House, but some conservatives are still cautious about Mike Johnson. They are discussing how to express their concerns during the upcoming secret leadership ballot. Despite Johnson’s strong ties to Donald Trump and campaigning efforts, some House Republicans are considering ways to signal potential opposition to his bid. They may field a candidate against him or vote present during the secret ballot.

While Johnson is expected to secure the majority needed to become the speaker nominee, skeptical conservatives are seeking concessions from him on chamber rules and conservative wins in exchange for their votes. Some members are hesitant due to past performance concerns and uncertainties about future deliverables. If no other candidate challenges Johnson next week, leadership may call for a voice vote, limiting conservative opposition until January.

Johnson’s advantages over McCarthy, including a possible Trump presidency and control of both congressional chambers, could help him avoid a prolonged leadership battle. However, pockets of opposition remain, particularly among Freedom Caucus members and centrist Republicans. The upcoming government shutdown deadline and demands for rule changes will test Johnson’s leadership ahead of the January floor vote. Han utilizado sus publicaciones para causar dolores de cabeza ocasionales a la dirección, impidiendo que los proyectos de ley salgan del comité hasta que se cumplan sus demandas.

Ilustrando la difícil situación en la que se encuentra Johnson, los conservadores están listos para exigir que los tres miembros mantengan esos puestos.

“Me gustaría quedarme en Reglas,” dijo Norman. “Estoy haciendo un buen trabajo.”

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