Greg Olear: La Cruda Realidad Comienza a Hacerse Evidente

The truth is, the legacy media failed us, the Democratic party failed us, and President Biden has failed us. They all underestimated the threat posed by Trump and his fascist regime. They all turned a blind eye to the warning signs and now we are facing the consequences.

But all hope is not lost. We must resist. We must fight back. We must hold those responsible for this abomination to account. We cannot let them destroy our democracy and our way of life.

Greg Olear’s words are a wake-up call. We must heed them. We must rise up and defend our country from those who seek to destroy it. The time for action is now.

Let us remember the words of Edmund Burke: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” We cannot afford to do nothing. We must stand up and fight for what is right.

So, Mr. Biden, what are you going to do to stop the rise of fascism in America? How are you going to hold those accountable who have allowed this nightmare to take hold? How are you going to protect our democracy and our values? It’s time for action, not just empty words about past accomplishments. The future of our country is at stake, and it’s up to you to lead us out of this darkness.

We missed that opportunity, but we cannot afford to miss the opportunity to fight back against the rising fascist threat in our own country. We must resist, we must stand up for democracy, and we must hold those in power accountable for their actions. The fight ahead will be long and difficult, but we cannot afford to back down. The future of our country depends on it. A menos que Biden haga algo inesperado en los próximos 70 y pico de días, como una completación de “Hail Maryland” de Jayden Daniels para salvar la democracia, ese momento ha pasado. Putin pronto tendrá de vuelta a su títere en la Casa Blanca, esta vez con el respaldo de la Corte Suprema, el Senado, probablemente la Cámara de Representantes, y un personal de verdaderos creyentes fascistas sedientos de sangre; eso es una victoria mucho más grande para Moscú que si los EE. UU. se desbandaran a la manera de la URSS. Lo siento, Abe Lincoln, pero prefiero vivir en una democracia más pequeña que en una dictadura de Trump.

LEAR  Haz realidad tu idea.

Y por mucho que me gustaría pensar lo contrario, y les aseguro que he pasado los últimos días intentándolo, es insensato creer que el futuro inmediato será cualquier cosa distinta a una zapatilla con la marca Trump pisoteando un rostro humano. Los nazis no dejan de ser nazis porque les muestres decencia y respeto, como Biden y Harris han elegido estúpidamente hacer. No podemos esperar que Trump o cualquiera en su régimen sea otra cosa que lo que son, o haga otra cosa que lo que nos han dicho que planean hacer.

Nuevamente esta semana, cito al poeta alemán Kurt Tucholsky: “Mi vida es demasiado valiosa como para ponerme debajo de un manzano y pedirle que produzca peras”.