Informe ofrece guía para el papel de la educación superior en la democracia

Overall, the white paper emphasizes the critical role that higher education plays in fostering a healthy democracy and civic engagement. By addressing the challenges of college accessibility and completion rates, higher education institutions can better equip students to participate in democracy and contribute to a more vibrant society.

Investing in higher education as a catalyst for socioeconomic mobility is key to preserving the values of democracy. By recognizing the link between college completion and democratic health, institutions can work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable system that benefits all members of society.

As educators and policymakers navigate these challenges, it is important to remain aware of the barriers that may impede progress. By prioritizing academic freedom, promoting honest disagreement, and ensuring a comprehensive education that reflects diverse perspectives, higher education can continue to fulfill its role as a midwife to democracy.

Ultimately, by addressing the systemic flaws in higher education and investing in the success of all students, we can create a stronger foundation for democracy and civic engagement in our society.

“A menos que todos trabajemos juntos para garantizar la accesibilidad y asequibilidad a la educación superior y para exigir que la educación superior haga un mejor trabajo en promover el compromiso cívico, somos cómplices en socavar la democracia.”

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