Enfoque en el Artista: Hombre/Mujer/Motosierra – Nuestra Cultura

LC: Yeah, it’s all part of the process. And I think that’s what makes it fun, too. We can all be annoying and make mistakes, but at the end of the day, we know we’re all on the same page and we’re all working towards the same goal.

VL: It’s nice to have that understanding and camaraderie within the band. It makes it easier to be vulnerable and share our ideas, knowing that we’re all in it together.

LC: Definitely. And I think that’s what makes our dynamic as a group so special – we’re all willing to be open and honest with each other, even when it means being a bit vulnerable.

What do you hope listeners take away from Eazy Peazy?

VL: I hope that listeners feel the energy and passion that we put into making this EP. I hope they can connect with the music on a deep level and find something in it that resonates with them.

BW: I hope that listeners are able to experience the same sense of exhilaration and chaos that we feel when we play these songs live. I hope they can get lost in the music and feel the raw emotion that we put into every note.

LC: I hope that listeners are able to see the evolution and growth of our sound as a band. I hope they can appreciate the journey we’ve been on to get to this point and that they can feel inspired by our music.

VL: Ultimately, I hope that listeners enjoy the music and that it brings them joy and excitement. That’s all we can ask for as artists – to create something that resonates with people and brings them happiness.

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LC: Exactly. And I think that’s what Eazy Peazy is all about – capturing that sense of joy and excitement in our music and sharing it with the world.

Thank you for taking the time to chat with us today, and best of luck with all your future endeavors!

BW: Thank you for having us! It’s been a pleasure.

VL: Yes, thank you so much! We really appreciate the support.

LC: Thanks again! We can’t wait to see what the future holds for Man/Woman/Chainsaw.

VL: That’s so sweet, Lola.

LC: Yeah, I mean, you guys were just doing your thing and it seemed like you were having a great time. I wanted to be a part of that energy.

BW: It’s funny to hear that perspective because from our side, we were just trying to figure out how to make the music work and have fun doing it. It’s cool to hear that it translated as confidence and talent to someone else.

LC: Well, you guys definitely had something special going on, and I’m glad I get to be a part of it now.

VL: It’s been great having you in the band, Lola. Your energy and creativity have added so much to our sound.

BW: Absolutely, we’re lucky to have found each other and formed this tight-knit group.

LC: Agreed. I think we all bring something unique to the table, and it’s been an amazing journey so far.

VL: Here’s to many more shows, songs, and memories together.

LC: Cheers to that!

It was the only one where I felt like I was doing a good job with the lyrics. I think it’s interesting to explore different perspectives in our songs. Vera and Emmie have their own styles of writing, and I have mine. In ‘Sports Day’, I was trying to capture a feeling of nostalgia and longing for the past, which I think contrasts nicely with some of the more immediate, in-the-moment feelings in Vera’s songs. It’s cool to have that variety in our music, but I also think it’s important to have a cohesive voice as a band. So, I try to think about how my lyrics fit into the bigger picture of what we’re trying to say with our music.”

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Entrevistador: ¿Cómo fue el proceso de escritura de la canción “Eazy Peazy”?

Benjamin Woods: Bueno, la escribí hace unos años cuando estaba en un momento de mucha inseguridad. Quería explorar esos sentimientos de una manera honesta, pero también con un toque humorístico y sarcástico.

Entrevistador: ¿Lo hiciste para protegerte un poco?

Benjamin Woods: Sí, en cierto modo. La canción es bastante vulnerable y trata sobre la inseguridad y esos recuerdos adolescentes de sentirse un poco perdido en cuanto a la identidad. Habla un poco sobre la queeridad y la dificultad de entenderla. Pero para mí, la mejor manera de abordar esos temas era con un enfoque un poco absurdo y exagerado. Ahora, me siento más cómodo conmigo mismo y más seguro en mi escritura. Puedo permitir que mis sentimientos se reflejen de manera más sincera en mis canciones.

Esta entrevista ha sido editada y condensada para mayor claridad y brevedad.

El álbum Eazy Peazy de Man/Woman/Chainsaw ya está disponible a través de Fat Possum.