Después de 30 años en la prisión de California, comienza una nueva vida en la UC Irvine.

Acuña’s story is one of resilience, determination, and the transformative power of education. Despite spending nearly 30 years in prison on a life without parole sentence, he never gave up on his dream of higher education. Through hard work and perseverance, he was able to earn two associate degrees while incarcerated and was eventually admitted to UC Irvine’s LIFTED program, where he is now pursuing a bachelor’s degree.

His journey from prison to university has not been easy. The transition from studying in a prison environment to a university campus presented its own challenges, but Acuña has persevered with the support of campus groups like LIFTED, Underground Scholars, and Foster Youth Resilience in Education.

Acuña’s story is a testament to the power of second chances and the importance of providing access to education for all, including those who have been justice-involved. Through his education, he is not only transforming his own life but also inspiring others to believe in the possibility of redemption and a brighter future.

As Acuña nears the completion of his social ecology degree, he looks back on his journey with gratitude and a renewed sense of purpose. He is proof that with determination and support, anything is possible, even for those who have faced seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

His story serves as a reminder that education has the power to change lives and break the cycle of incarceration. As he prepares to graduate and embark on a new chapter in his life, Acuña is a shining example of the transformative impact of higher education.

Acuña has dedicated himself to advocating for education and rehabilitation programs in prison, believing that every person deserves a chance to transform their lives and contribute positively to society. He understands the power of education in breaking the cycle of crime and hopes to inspire others to see beyond their current circumstances.

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Through his own experiences and the mentorship he received, Acuña has found a new path in life, one focused on learning, growth, and making a difference. He carries the lessons he learned in prison with him, cherishing the gift of education and the opportunity to create a better future for himself and others.

Despite the challenges he has faced and the mistakes he has made, Acuña remains committed to personal growth and redemption. He believes in the power of education to change lives and is determined to make the most of his second chance.

His story serves as a reminder that it is never too late to turn your life around, to seek education and self-improvement, and to strive for a better future, no matter where you are starting from.

“Pero debido a sentencias “cruel e inusual” como la cadena perpetua, agregó, no tienen la oportunidad de mostrar su rehabilitación.

“Como alguien cumpliendo la sentencia de cadena perpetua, no tienes incentivo para educarte o mantenerte alejado de problemas, sin embargo lo están haciendo”, dijo Acuña. Esto demuestra que no son incorregibles, pueden ser rehabilitados y merecen que se revisen sus casos, al igual que se revisó el suyo.

Hubo un tiempo en el que él necesitaba estar en prisión, reconoció, pero “¿necesitaba estar allí indefinidamente? No”.

Actualmente, Acuña asesora a profesores que enseñan dentro de prisiones y es entrenador de perros de servicio; hubo un tiempo en el que quería seguir una carrera en medicina veterinaria. No está seguro de qué hará después de completar su grado, pero sabe que seguirá estudiando. Ahora tendrá opciones: Aquellos que estudian en prisión están limitados a las carreras que se les ofrecen, la mayoría de las veces en humanidades.

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“Piensas que no hay nada más allá porque no puedes ver más allá de esas cuadras de la ciudad que hay todo un mundo allí afuera y tienes todo el derecho a él”, dijo Acuña sobre su vida temprana. “No tienes que ser marginado y apartado, no tienes que ser mano de obra barata. Tienes opciones. Y la clave para eso es la educación.”

Jennifer Molina produjo el video para esta historia.

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