Los servicios de intervención temprana pueden ayudar a los niños prematuros a prosperar, pero muy pocos los reciben.

These projects aim to help parents understand the benefits of early intervention services and provide them with the necessary information and resources to access these services for their children. The hope is that by improving communication and coordination between hospitals and early intervention providers, more families will be able to take advantage of these critical therapies for their children.

For parents like Karen Heath, who were not informed about early intervention services when their children were discharged from the NICU, the consequences can be significant. Without access to these therapies, children may struggle unnecessarily with developmental delays that could have been mitigated with early intervention.

As the medical community continues to make strides in saving the lives of premature infants, it is crucial that equal attention is given to providing them with the support they need after they leave the NICU. By improving access to early intervention services, we can give these babies the best possible start in life and help set them up for success in the future.

Heath eventually found her way to the therapy her children needed, but the delays and barriers she faced highlight the systemic issues within the early intervention system. As the state works to address these issues, families like Heath’s continue to struggle to access the services that could make a significant difference in their children’s development.

It is clear that changes are needed to ensure that all families, regardless of income or background, have equal access to early intervention services. The work of advocates like deRegnier and the coalition of therapists and physicians is crucial in shedding light on these issues and pushing for much-needed reforms.

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Hopefully, with continued efforts and advocacy, the early intervention system in Illinois and across the country can be improved to better support families and ensure that all children have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

The challenges faced by families navigating the early intervention system for children born prematurely are highlighted in this article. The varying eligibility criteria across states, disconnect between medical and early intervention systems, and lack of timely access to therapies all contribute to the difficulties faced by families.

The story of Jaclyn Vasquez and her daughter’s journey through early interventions showcases the importance of early access to therapies in ensuring positive outcomes. Vasquez’s proactive approach and dedication to providing her daughter with necessary therapies from a young age have resulted in her daughter thriving today.

The call for staff embedded at hospitals to help families enroll in early intervention before discharge is a crucial recommendation made by advocates and physicians. The need for therapies to be available in the NICU for babies on extended stays is also emphasized.

Despite the challenges faced by families like Heath’s triplets, who struggled to access all the necessary therapies on time, the resilience and progress made by the children are evident. With improved access to early interventions and support, children born prematurely can overcome developmental challenges and reach their full potential.

Se lanzaron alegremente mientras se perseguían en mini autos de choque.

Heath está agradecida de que sus hijos estén progresando con la ayuda de la escuela, la familia dedicada y la fisioterapeuta comprometida, quien todavía trabaja con los niños. Pero mira hacia atrás en sus primeros nueve meses y lamenta que, tan enfocados en cómo ayudar a los bebés a sobrevivir, nadie en un vasto equipo de médicos, enfermeras y trabajadores sociales pensara en discutir cómo la familia podría ayudarlos a prosperar. “No hubo un próximo paso para mi familia cuando salimos del hospital”, dijo. “Todo dependía de nosotros”.

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Comunícate con Sarah Carr en [email protected].

Esta historia sobre servicios de intervención temprana fue producida por The Hechinger Report, una organización de noticias sin fines de lucro e independiente enfocada en la desigualdad y la innovación en la educación. Carr es becaria en New America, enfocada en informar sobre temas de la primera infancia.

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