Cómo una feria de carreras universitarias aborda más que solo carreras

Bucher: Absolutely. That’s one of the things that we really strive for in our office. We want to make sure that we are meeting the needs of all of our students, from the first-year students who are exploring, to our seniors who are ready to graduate and enter the workforce. The Success Expo really allows for that exploration, whether it’s through the career fair, networking opportunities, or workshops that are being offered throughout the day.

Inside Higher Ed: It sounds like a really comprehensive event that really meets the needs of all students at different stages of their academic journey.

Horning: Absolutely. I think that’s the key, that it’s comprehensive and that it meets students where they’re at. We want to make sure that all of our students have the opportunity to engage in these services and resources, regardless of where they are in their academic journey. The Success Expo really allows for that, and it’s been a great success for our students and our campus community.

This article was originally published on Inside Higher Ed. Listen to the full podcast episode here.

Additionally, we have a variety of partners involved in the Success Expo, including local employers, alumni, faculty, and staff. These partners help to provide workshops, informational sessions, and networking opportunities for students to gain valuable insights and connections in their desired fields. By bringing together a diverse group of partners, we aim to create a comprehensive and inclusive event that benefits students at all stages of their career journey.

Overall, the success expo is a collaborative effort that aims to support students in their career development by providing them with the resources, guidance, and opportunities they need to succeed. We are excited for the upcoming event and look forward to helping students navigate their future paths with confidence and preparedness.

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Overall, students have expressed appreciation for the opportunity to network with employers, gain valuable skills, and explore potential career paths. They have also provided feedback on logistical aspects of the event, which we have taken into consideration for future planning. As we continue to evolve and improve the event, we are committed to incorporating student input and ensuring that the experience is valuable and relevant to their needs and interests.

Ultimately, our goal is to provide a platform for students to connect with employers, enhance their professional development, and prepare for life beyond college. By working closely with faculty, community partners, and students themselves, we are able to create a comprehensive and impactful event that aligns with Lebanon Valley College’s mission and values. We look forward to continuing to grow and expand the event in the years to come, and are excited about the possibilities for further collaboration and innovation.

What are you most excited about for Adulting Day this year?

Horning: I think the thing I’m most excited about is the continued growth of the event. We’ve seen the interest and the attendance increase year over year, and I think this year we’ve really honed in on what students are looking for and what they need. So I’m excited to see how they respond to the workshops and programming that we have planned.

Bucher: I agree, I think seeing the impact that this event has on our students is really rewarding. Knowing that we are helping them feel more prepared for life after college is such a great feeling. Plus, seeing the connections made between students and alumni, as well as the peer-to-peer learning, is always a highlight for me.

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Inside Higher Ed: It sounds like Adulting Day is a valuable and impactful event for your students. Thank you both for sharing your insights and experiences with us.

Horning: Thank you for having us, we’re happy to share about this event that we’re so passionate about.

Bucher: Yes, thank you for the opportunity to talk about Adulting Day. We hope that our experiences can help inspire others to create similar initiatives on their own campuses.

Estoy extremadamente emocionado por la amplia variedad de elementos que se ofrecen aquí y programados, si puedo decirlo, de una manera realmente inteligente, para que los estudiantes puedan elegir a lo largo del día lo que les ofrece el mejor recorrido ese día.

Estoy muy emocionado por la comunicación que está llegando para decir que si quieres trabajar en tu marca personal, aquí la tienes. ¿Buscas una pasantía? Ven y escucha cómo los pasantes han tenido éxito y qué los ha llevado a eso.

Estoy realmente emocionado por ese diálogo con la audiencia que realmente ofrece a las personas la agradable variedad de elementos que conforman este emocionante día.

Debido a que este es nuestro tercer año, estoy emocionado de que sienta que hemos encontrado nuestro ritmo y que la gente está anticipando este evento. La gente está emocionada y quiere participar en la acción. Y creo que eso nos emociona en el Centro Breen, porque hacemos esto porque queremos que sea de valor para la comunidad, y el hecho de que la gente esté esperando ansiosamente esto y preguntando al respecto, hablando de ello, simplemente construye la energía, aumenta el entusiasmo.

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Estoy deseando un gran tercer año y asegurándome de que, una vez más, estemos cumpliendo con la promesa de asegurarnos de que nuestros graduados estén realmente bien preparados y de que los respaldemos al 100 por ciento.

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