Estrella de música country Garth Brooks acusado de agresión sexual en demanda civil | Noticias de EE. UU.

But I can’t do that when these lies are hanging over my head,” Brooks said in his statement on Thursday. “I will not sit back and watch my name and reputation be tarnished by false accusations. I will fight for my truth, and I will not be silenced.”

Wigdor, the attorney for “Jane Roe”, said in response to Brooks’ statement that the accusations against him were “well substantiated” and that his client was prepared to take her case to trial.

“My client is not seeking hush money or a settlement. She is seeking justice,” Wigdor said. “She is prepared to go to trial and let a jury decide whether Garth Brooks is a sexual predator who committed these heinous acts against her.”

The civil lawsuit against Brooks is the latest in a series of high-profile sexual misconduct cases in the entertainment industry, as the #MeToo movement continues to bring allegations of abuse to light. Brooks, a seven-time Grammy winner and one of the best-selling music artists of all time, has not faced any criminal charges related to the allegations.

The Guardian reached out to representatives for Garth Brooks and Douglas Wigdor for further comment on the case, but did not receive an immediate response.

Me rompe el corazón que ahora estas maravillosas cosas estén en cuestión”, dijo Brooks en el comunicado del jueves, después de que las acusaciones se hicieran públicas.

En su denuncia, los abogados de la mujer describen la demanda anónima de Brooks en Mississippi como un intento de intimidar a su acusadora, y dicen que afirmó que ella estaba amenazando con presentar una denuncia en su contra en California “solo porque Brooks se negó a darle un aumento y pagarle el seguro de salud”.

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