“Desde clubes gay hasta el himno de Maga: la absurda y controvertida historia del YMCA de Village People | Música”

But it’s important to remember that Trump is the one wielding the power here. He’s the one signing executive orders that affect real people’s lives.”

As for Newman and the rest of the Kings of Disco, they have no intention of performing at Trump rallies or giving him the rights to use their songs. They have chosen to distance themselves from the current iteration of Village People that is aligning itself with the president. While Trump may continue to dance to YMCA at his rallies, the original members of the iconic group have made it clear that they do not support his administration or his policies. And in a time when LGBTQ+ rights are under threat, it is more important than ever to stand up and speak out against discrimination and injustice. While the Village People may have evolved over the years and their music may have taken on new meanings, it’s important to remember the origins of their iconic songs and the impact they had on the LGBTQ+ community. Despite the changes in the music industry and the shifting interpretations of their music, the Village People will always hold a special place in history for their contributions to disco and LGBTQ+ culture. It’s up to us to remember and appreciate the roots of their music, even as it continues to be used in different contexts.

A medida que las conocidas trompetas comenzaron a sonar y los sintetizadores empezaron a girar, apenas se podía ver al grupo ya que Trump y sus secuaces inundaron el escenario, bloqueando la vista de la banda desde la transmisión. Esa noche en el YMCA estuvo plagada de problemas de sonido, ya que la pista de acompañamiento se cortó, dejando solo la voz inestable y jadeante de Willis. Detrás de ellos, un vórtice de LED giraba en rojo, blanco y azul Maga, como si los estuviera absorbiendo.

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