Cojeando pero respirando: Cómo el equipo de casino de Steve Cohen seguirá adelante

Assistance provided by Shawn Ness Come join POLITICO for a happy hour celebration at the Albany War Room Tavern on Wednesday, May 29. Enjoy drinks and hors d’oeuvres while mingling with fellow New York insiders. Meet our editorial team and gain insight into our coverage of politics, policy, and power in Albany. RSVP here to … Leer más

‘Ella sabía a dónde quería ir – y simplemente siguió adelante’: la verdadera Janis Joplin, por aquellos más cercanos a ella | Janis Joplin

“She was a great singer, and she was always working on her craft,” Getz tells me. “She would practice singing all the time, even when we weren’t rehearsing or performing. She had an incredible work ethic when it came to her music.” Despite her struggles with addiction and self-doubt, Joplin’s impact on music and culture … Leer más