El costo universitario de mayor crecimiento? No es la matrícula

“It’s a growing crisis,” said Kathleen Payea, senior policy analyst at the Education Commission of the States. “We need to pay attention to this.” Some colleges are trying to help. The University of California, Berkeley, is building a 775-bed residence hall that will house 800 students, including many from underrepresented groups, starting in 2024. The … Leer más

Nuevas Iniciativas de IA en Instrucción de Fonética y Asesoramiento Universitario

“We believe that every student deserves the opportunity to attend their dream college, regardless of their background or resources,” said CEO and co-founder of Kollegio, Sarah Nguyen. “Our AI platform is designed to level the playing field and provide all students with the support and guidance they need to navigate the complex college application process.” … Leer más

Educación STEM alternativa: Un camino no universitario hacia empleos para estudiantes de grupos subrepresentados

Despite the challenges, Hickerson is optimistic about his future. He’s already been offered a job as a software engineer at a startup in New York City after he graduates from the Marcy Lab School. He’s excited to finally have a career path that he’s passionate about. “I never thought I’d be in the position I’m … Leer más

Cómo obtener un título universitario llevó a cuatro hombres de California por un camino de la prisión a nuevas vidas | Documental

Samual N. Brown, Allen Burnett, Charlie Praphatananda y Dara Yin tienen historias que contar. Su tiempo en prisión estaba envuelto por su realidad. Tres de los cuatro fueron acusados de asesinato y condenados a cadena perpetua. Es lo que uno de ellos, que ingresó a la prisión a los 20 años, describe como la muerte … Leer más

Por qué un líder universitario de California cree que las operaciones durante todo el año ayudarán a aumentar la matrícula

Overall, the shift to year-round operations at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo is a significant change that aims to increase enrollment, provide more flexibility for students and faculty, and enhance student success through high-impact practices. By taking inspiration from successful models at other universities, Cal Poly hopes to create a unique approach that benefits all … Leer más